Karen F.

I'm Karen Fishman - mom, tennis player, health and wellness coach, motivator, successful entrepreneur, and now blogger, here to provide the tools and motivation necessary to create a community of empowered, healthy people who know they matter.
Health & Wellness Editor
23 Articles

4 Ways Tennis Players Can Build A Stronger Immune System

Of the challenges faced by tennis players of all levels, injury is probably…

Athletes Need To Embrace Their Carbs!

Even athletes get nervous when the scale goes up a pound the morning…

What Are Electrolytes And Why Are They So Important?

Have you ever been chugging your favorite sports drink and wondered, "Just…

Motivation Monday: Mind The Mind

"All that we are is a result of what we think. The…

The Scoop On Protein Powders

There are many benefits of protein powder - especially if you're a…